Curious people in their relationships

I recently read an interesting thread on social media, which listed the characteristics of successful people. Although it is not a stereotype, one of the characteristics of these people which amazed me was their “curiosity.” This characteristic drives them forward, improving, achieving, and climbing upwards step by step all the time. Being raised in an Asian traditional family, I first felt it challenging to understand that. I couldn’t link the curious nature of a person with his success.

In China, our parents often remind us: “Both ears shut to what goes on outside the window; the whole mind concentrates on the sage’s book.” That meant we must focus on study or the work we did. We should not take an interest in any other fields. If someone had too many interests outside these two areas, parents, or other people, would regard him to achieve nothing. That culture is opposite to that character discussed above.

Interestingly, if a new member joined the service, if we wrote “curiosity” in the profile, she/he would feel offended if that person happens to be Chinese, she/he would feel offended. They don’t like this word. Let’s think this way: without curiosity, what our society or life will be? I guess there will be no new thoughts, discoveries, new developments, no new improvements, and no desire to have a better life.

Curiosity is the reason people learn more, improve more, and have a better life. The more curious a person is, the more he will know. The more he learns, the more he can apply it in his life. The more he uses in his life, the more chance that he can achieve.

Indeed, his life will be more enjoyable. Talking to a person who has a curious character will never be bored. Not just at work or in life, curiosity also drives good communication in relationships or marriage, along with other reasons to make it successful.

For example, curious people usually take a strong interest in learning, including learning about their partners. They like to know more about their partners. They take an interest in partners’ personalities, interests, goals, desires, and needs. Therefore they listen, they watch, and they think. The goods and the attention to their partners are the affirmation of love, respect, and encouragement.

Many people complain that their partners did not give them enough attention or were interested in learning and listening about them. Perhaps this is because the partners are not so curious about them and their lives.

This lack of curiosity often makes people feel unloved, vulnerable, and lonely. Just think: if our partners do not feel curious about us or are interested in our needs, what kind of value does the relationship have? Curiosity is also the reason for people to improve, to fit in, and to change.

Curious people are more willing to try different things, whether foods, languages, culture, interests, or mixing with other friends. While stretching, they understand and accept differences. Doing these things is not just because they love the partners but also because they are naturally curious. Naturally, they have the desire to improve.

Curiosity also drives chemistry between two people. Nothing can be more exciting than two people constantly learning from and about each other, sharing interests, and improving together. It is stimulating. By doing that, the chemistry will never die. Curiosity comes from the nature of a person. This characteristic brings much more potential to any achievement, including work, study, career, or marriage. Therefore I encourage people to recognize this potential from the partner. At the same time, I also encourage people to be curious about life and their partner. There are lots to learn, lots to discover, and lots to achieve.

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